A century-old minutes book from a Masonic lodge over 100 years old, from the Taquari Valley here. That was the challenge I had here at …

Reconstruction of a century-old minutes book from a Masonic Lodge.

How it’s made and what are the characteristics of a handmade notebook.
A handmade notebook is produced manually, using natural materials and traditional bookbinding techniques. This type of notebook can be made with various types of paper, …

Who was Jane Austen and her work?
Jane Austen is one of the most famous and renowned British writers, known for her romantic and social fiction works from the early 19th century. …

Not from Brazil? How to buy our handmade notebooks.
We are a small bookbinding studio located in southern Brazil. We make handmade notebooks, special editions of books, sketchbooks, and commonplace books. “Pó de Flor” …

Dom Casmurro by Machado de Assis
After all, was there or wasn’t there betrayal? This is the question that guides the plot of Machado de Assis’ Dom Casmurro. Everyone has heard …